MEG Lab Publications
Hart, N. S., Pozo-Montoro, M., Seeger, O., Ryan, L. A., Tosetto, L., Huveneers, C., ... Williamson, J. E. & Gaston, T. F. (2025). Widespread and convergent evolution of cone monochromacy in galeomorph sharks. Molecular Biology and Evolution, msaf043.
Guillemin, T. A., Pepperell, J. G., Schilling, H. T., & Williamson, J. E. (2025). 90 years of catch data reveal changes in catch composition in the Australian east coast recreational marlin fishery. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 1-19.
McSpadden, K. L., Raoult, V., Koopman, M., Knuckey, I. A., & Williamson, J. E. (2024). Length–Weight Relationships of Commercial Species in the Eastern Australian Sea Cucumber Fishery. Diversity, 16(12), 770.
Myoung, S. H., Park, J. M., Gaston, T. F., & Williamson, J. E. (2024). Variability in resource use of sympatric cowfish Aracana aurita and A. ornata in southeastern Australian waters. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 77, 103696.
Burke, P. J., Meyer, L., Raoult, V., Huveneers, C., & Williamson, J. E. (2024). Multi-disciplinary approach identifies pelagic nutrient linkage by sawsharks. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 34(4), 1567-1584.
Nevatte, R. J., Gillings, M. R., Morejohn, K., Ainley, L., Liggins, L., Pratchett, M. S., ... & Williamson, J. E. (2024). Of Clams and Clades: Genetic Diversity and Connectivity of Small Giant Clams (Tridacna maxima) in the Southern Pacific Ocean. Ecology and Evolution, 14(10), e70474.
Lopes, S. M., Williamson, J. E., Lambreghts, Y., Allen, A. P., & Brown, C. (2024). Predicting whaler shark presence and interactions with humans in southern Queensland, Australia. Science of The Total Environment, 934, 172957.
Tosetto, L., Hart, N. S., & Williamson, J. E. (2024). A fish can change its stripes: investigating the role of body colour and pattern in the bluelined goatfish. PeerJ, 12, e16645.
Chan, A. J., Jaine, F. R., Maron, F., Williamson, J. E., Schilling, H. T., Smoothey, A. F., & Peddemors, V. M. (2024). Flapping about: trends and drivers of Australian cownose ray (Rhinoptera neglecta) coastal sightings at their southernmost distribution range. Frontiers in Fish Science, 1, 1323633.
Morejohn, K., Ainley, L., Williamson, J., Nevatte, R., Liggins, L., Cumbo, V. R., & Gillings, M. (2023). Genetic confirmation of Tridacna noae (Röding 1798) in the Cook Islands. Coral Reefs, 42(6), 1343-1350.
Wexler, J. B., Margulies, D., Scholey, V., Lennert-Cody, C. E., Bromhead, D., Nicol, S., ... Williamson, J.E. & Havenhand, J. (2023). The effect of ocean acidification on otolith morphology in larvae of a tropical, epipelagic fish species, yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 569, 151949.
Tosetto, L., Hart, N. S., & Williamson, J. E. (2023). Dynamic colour change as a signalling tool in bluelined goatfish (Upeneicthtys lineatus). Ecology and Evolution, 13(8), e10328.
Stelling-Wood, T. P., Gribben, P. E., Birch, G., Bishop, M. J., Blount, C., Booth, D. J., ... Willamson, J.E., … & Figueira, W. F. (2023). A deep dive into the ecology of Gamay (Botany Bay, Australia): current knowledge and future priorities for this highly modified coastal waterway. Marine and freshwater research.
Godinez-Espinosa, S., Raoult, V., Smith, T. M., Gaston, T. F., & Williamson, J. E. (2023). Functional roles of coral reef primary producers examined with stable isotopes. Marine and Freshwater Research, 74(7), 601-613.
Nevatte, R. J., Williamson, J. E., & Gillings, M. R. (2023). First evidence of multiple paternity and hybridisation in Australian sawsharks. Marine and Freshwater Research, 74(7), 586-600.
Tosetto, L., McNab, J. M., Hutchings, P. A., Rodríguez, J., & Williamson, J. E. (2023). Fantastic flatworms and where to find them: Insights into intertidal polyclad flatworm distribution in southeastern Australian boulder beaches. Diversity, 15(3), 393.
Bourke, E., Raoult, V., Williamson, J. E., & Gaston, T. F. (2023). Estuary Stingray (Dasyatis fluviorum) Behaviour Does Not Change in Response to Drone Altitude. Drones, 7(3), 164.
Nimbs, M. J., Davis, T. R., Holmes, S. P., Hill, L., Wehmeyer, S., Prior, A., & Williamson, J. E. (2023). The taming of Smeagol? A new population and an assessment of the known population of the critically endangered pulmonate gastropod Smeagol hilaris (Heterobranchia, Otinidae). Diversity, 15(1), 86.
McNab, J. M., Briggs, M. T., Williamson, J. E., Hoffmann, P., Rodriguez, J., & Karuso, P. (2022). Structural characterization and spatial mapping of tetrodotoxins in Australian polyclads. Marine Drugs, 20(12), 788.
Williamson, J. E., Gillings, M. R., Nevatte, R. J., Harasti, D., Raoult, V., Ghaly, T. M., ... & Gaston, T. F. (2022). Genetic differentiation in the threatened soft coral Dendronephthya australis in temperate eastern Australia. Austral ecology, 47(4), 804-817.
Watson, A. R., Blount, C., McPhee, D. P., Zhang, D., Smith, M. L., Reeds, K., & Williamson, J. E. (2022). Source, fate and management of recreational fishing marine debris. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 178, 113500.
Nicol, S., Lehodey, P., Senina, I., Bromhead, D., Frommel, A. Y., Hampton, J., ... Williamson, J.E., … & Smith, N. (2022). Ocean futures for the world’s largest yellowfin tuna population under the combined effects of ocean warming and acidification. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9.
Andrzejaczek, S., Lucas, T. C., Goodman, M. C., Hussey, N. E., Armstrong, A. J., Carlisle, A., ... Williamson, J.E., … & Sulikowski, J. A. (2022). Diving into the vertical dimension of elasmobranch movement ecology. Science Advances, 8(33), eabo1754.
Stelling-Wood, T. P., Gribben, P. E., Adam, P., Birch, G., Bishop, M. J., Blount, C., ... Williamson, J.E, … & Figueira, W. F. (2022). Science of Gamay: a systematic review of current knowledge of Botany Bay.
Barnes, L. M., Gray, C. A., & Williamson, J. E. (2022). Spawning and maturity traits of coexisting Platycephalidae (Platycephalus caeruleopunctatus, Platycephalus grandispinis, Platycephalus richardsoni) from southeast Australia. Journal of Fish Biology, 101(3), 491-504.
Raoult, V., Gaston, T. F., Smith, C., Dolfo, V., Park, J. M., & Williamson, J. E. (2022). Patterns of mother–embryo isotope fractionation in batoids vary within and between species. Journal of Fish Biology.
Chan, A. J., Raoult, V., Jaine, F. R., Peddemors, V. M., Broadhurst, M. K., & Williamson, J. E. (2022). Trophic niche of Australian cownose rays (Rhinoptera neglecta) and whitespotted eagle rays (Aetobatus ocellatus) along the east coast of Australia. Journal of fish biology, 100(4), 970-978.
Guillemin, T. A., Pepperell, J. G., Gaston, T., & Williamson, J. E. (2022). Deciphering the trophic ecology of three marlin species using stable isotope analysis in temperate waters off southeastern Australia. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 795436.
Tosetto, L., Williamson, J. E., White, T. E., & Hart, N. S. (2022). Can the dynamic colouration and patterning of bluelined goatfish (Mullidae; Upeneichthys lineatus) be perceived by conspecifics?. Brain Behavior and Evolution, 96(3), 103-123.
Rodrguez, J., Hutchings, P. A., & Williamson, J. E. (2021). Biodiversity of intertidal marine flatworms (Polycladida, Platyhelminthes) in southeastern Australia. Zootaxa, 5024(1), 1-63.
Barnes, L. M., Gray, C. A., & Williamson, J. E. (2021). Reproductive characteristics of Ratabulus diversidens and Ambiserrula jugosa (Pisces: Platycephalidae) from continental shelf waters of south-eastern Australia. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 101(4), 725-734.
Myoung, S. H., Kwak, S. N., Kim, J. K., & Williamson, J. E. (2021). Effect of freshwater discharge from Namgang Dam on ichthyoplankton assemblage structure in Jinju Bay, Korea. Aquatic Living Resources, 34, 18.
Raoult, V., Grant, M. I., Barbosa Martins, A. P., Feitosa, L. M., Braccini, M., Cardeñosa, D., ... Williamson, J.E. & Simpfendorfer, C. A. (2021). Assigning shark fin origin using species distribution models needs a reality check. Biology Letters, 17(7), 20200907.
Nevatte, R. J., Williamson, J. E., Wueringer, B. E., & Gillings, M. R. (2021). Contrasting patterns of population structure in commercially fished sawsharks from southern Australian waters. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 31(2), 359-379.
Costa, V. A., Mifsud, J. C., Gilligan, D., Williamson, J. E., Holmes, E. C., & Geoghegan, J. L. (2021). Metagenomic sequencing reveals a lack of virus exchange between native and invasive freshwater fish across the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia. Virus Evolution, 7(1), veab034.
Burke PJ, Williamson JE (2021) Using cone beam CT‐scans to reveal headfirst ingestion and possible prey manipulation tactics in sawsharks. Journal of Fish Biology.
Geoghegan JL, Di Giallonardo F, Wille M, Ortiz-Baez AS, Costa VA, Ghaly T, Mifsud JCO, Turnbull PMH, David R Bellwood DR, Williamson JE, Holmes EC (2021) Virome composition in marine fish revealed by meta-transcriptomics. Virus Evolution.
Williamson JE, Duce S, Joyce KE, Raoult V (2021) Putting sea cucumbers on the map: projected holothurian bioturbation rates on a coral reef scale. Coral Reefs.
Oleksyn S, Tosetto L, Raoult V, Joyce KE, Williamson JE (2021) Going Batty: The Challenges and Opportunities of Using Drones to Monitor the Behaviour and Habitat Use of Rays. Drones. 5: 12.
Butcher PA, Colefax AP, Gorkin RA III, Kajiura SM, López NA, Mourier J, Purcell CR, Skomal GB, Tucker JP, Walsh AJ, Williamson JE, Raoult V (2021) The Drone Revolution of Shark Science: A Review. Drones. 5: 8.
McNab JM, Rodríguez J, Karuso P, Williamson JE (2021) Natural Products in Polyclad Flatworms. Marine Drugs 19: 47
Oleksyn S, Tosetto L, Raoult V, Williamson JE (2020) Drone-based tracking of the fine-scale movement of a coastal stingray (Bathytoshia brevicaudata). Remote Sensing 13: 40.
Myoung SH, Kwak SN, Kim J-K, Lee WC, Kim JB, Kim HC, Williamson JE (2020) Juvenile fish assemblages in the Jinju Bay region, Korea. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 23: 23-30.
Burke PJ, Mourier J, Gaston TF, Williamson JE (2020) Novel use of pop-up satellite archival telemetry in sawsharks: insights into the movement of the common sawshark Pristiophorus cirratus (Pristiophoridae). Animal Biotelemetry, 8.
Turnbull OMH, Ortiz-Baez AS, Eden JS, Shi M, Williamson JE, Gaston TF, Zhang YZ, Holmes EC, Geoghegan JL (2020) Meta-transcriptomic identification of divergent Amnoonviridae in fish. Viruses 12: 1254.
Raoult V, Trueman CN, Kingsbury KM, Gillanders BM, Broadhurst MK, Williamson JE, Nagelkerken I, Booth DJ, Peddemors V, Couturier LI, Gaston TF (2020) Predicting geographic ranges of marine animal populations using stable isotopes: a case study of great hammerhead sharks in eastern Australia. Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 594636.
Burke PJ, Raoult V, Natanson LJ, Murphy TD, Peddemors V, Williamson JE (2020) Struggling with age: common sawsharks (Pristiophorus cirratus) defy age determination using a range of traditional methods. Fisheries Research 231: 105706.
Nevatte RJ, Williamson JE (2020) The sawshark redemption: current knowledge and future directions for sawsharks (Pristiophoridae). Fish and Fisheries 21: 1213-1237.
Carbia PS, Brown C, Park JM, Gaston TF, Raoult V, Williamson JE (2020) Seasonal and developmental diet shifts in sympatric and allopatric intertidal gobies determined by stomach content and stable isotope analysis. Journal of Fish Biology 97: 1051-1062.
Raoult V, Peddemors V, Rowling K, Williamson JE (2020) Spatiotemporal distributions of two sympatric sawsharks (Pristiophorus cirratus and P. nudipinnus) in south-eastern Australian waters. Marine and Freshwater Research, MF19277.
Otway NM, West G, Gore DB, Williamson JE. (2020) Hook-shaped enterolith and secondary cachexia in a free-living grey nurse shark (Carcharias taurus, Rafinesque 1810). Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Science 00:1-11.
Raoult V, Tosetto L, Harvey C, Nelson TM, Reed J, Chan A, Parikh A, Smith TM, Williamson JE. (2020) Remotely operated vehicles as alternatives to snorkellers for video-based marine research. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 522, 151253.
Park J-M, Powell NN, Gillings MR, Gaston TF, Williamson JE (2020) Phylogeny and form in fishes: genetic and morphological characteristics of Dragonets (Foetorepus sp.) do not align. Acta Zoologica, 101: 218-226.
Candebat C, Booth M, Williamson JE, Pirozzi I (2020) The critical oxygen threshold of Yellowtail Kingfish (Seriola lalandi). Aquaculture, 516: 734519.
Raoult V, Broadhurst MK, Peddemors V, Williamson JE, Gaston TF. (2019) Resource use of great hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna mokarran) off eastern Australia. Journal of Fish Biology, 95: 1430-1440.
Nevatte RJ, Wueringer BE, Gillings MG, Williamson JE (2019) Genetic and historical evidence of common sawsharks Pristiophorus cirratus in the waters of southern Queensland. Journal of Fish Biology, 95: 1342-1345.
Clark JA, Brown C, Gillings MR, Gardner M, Williamson JE, Izzo C, Day J (2019) Characterization of 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the Port Jackson Shark, Heterodontus portusjacksoni (Meyer, 1793). Marine Biodiversity 49: 505-508.
Day J, Clark JA, Williamson JE, Brown C, Gillings M. (2019) Population genetic analyses reveal female reproductive philopatry in the oviparous Port Jackson Shark. Marine and Freshwater Research, 70: 986-994.
Nevatte RJ, Clark JA, Williamson JE, Gillings MR (2019) The complete mitochondrial genome of the epaulette shark, Hemiscyllium ocellatum (Bonnaterre, 1788). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 4: 534-535.
Young HJ, Raoult V, Platell ME, Williamson JE, Gaston TF (2019) Within-genus differences in catchability of elasmobranchs during trawling. Fisheries Research, 211: 141-147.
Raoult V, Williamson JE, Smith TM, Gaston TF (2019) Effects of on-deck holding conditions and air exposure on post-release behaviours of sharks revealed by a remote operated vehicle. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 511: 10-18.
Raoult V, Tosetto L. Williamson JE. (2018) Drone-based high-resolution tracking of aquatic vertebrates. Drones, 2:37 JIF 2:37.
Geoghegan JL, Di Giallonardo F, Cousins K, Shi M, Williamson JE, Holmes EC. (2018) Hidden diversity and evolution of viruses in market fish. Virus Evolution, 4: vey031.
O’Neill S, Williamson JE, Tosetto L, Brown C. (2018) Effects of acclimatisation on behavioural repeatability in two behaviour assays of the guppy Poecilia reticulata. Behavioural Biology and Sociobiology 72: 166. JIF 2.47.
Sun Y, Wong E, Ahyong ST, Williamson JE, Hutchings PA, Kupriyanova EK (2018) Barcoding and multi-locus phylogeography of the globally distributed calcareous tubeworm genus Hydroides Gunnerus, 1768 (Annelida, Polychaeta, Serpulidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 127: 732-745. JIF 4.27, Q3 (Fisheries) Q1 (Zoology).
Park JM, Gaston TF, Riedel R, Williamson JE (2018) Biometric relationships between body and otolith measurements in nine demersal fishes from north-eastern Tasmanian waters, Australia. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 34: 801-805 JIF 1.08, Q3 (Fisheries).
Raoult V, Holwell N, Zahra D, Peddemors VM, Howard DL, de Jonge MD, Buchan BL, Williamson JE (2018) Localized zinc distribution in shark vertebrae suggests differential deposition during ontogeny and across vertebral structures. PLoS One 13: e0190927. JIF 3.54, Q1 (Multidisciplinary Sci).
Bell JE, Williamson JE (2017) Positive Indirect interactions in marine herbivores and algae. Pages 135-153 in Herbivore. InTech Publishers, ISBN 978-953-51-4901-9.
Connolly DM, Desvignes T, Williamson JE (2017) Influence of body size on tube feet morphology and attachment capacity in the sea urchin Holopneustes purpurascenc (Temnopleuridae). Marine Biology 164: 223. JIF 2.53, Q1 (Mar FW Biology), C 1.
Nevatte RJ, Wueringer BE, Jacob DE, Park JM, Williamson JE (2017) First insights into the function of the sawshark rostrum through examination of rostral tooth microwear. Journal of Fish Biology 91: 1582-1602. JIF 1.84, Q3 (Mar FW Biology), C 3.
Raoult V, Reid-Anderson S, Ferri A, Williamson JE (2017) How reliable is Structure from Motion (SfM) over time and between observers? A case study using coral reef bommies. Remote Sensing 9: 740. JIF3.75, Q (Remote Sensing), C 2.
Park JM, Coburn E, Platell ME, Gaston TF, Taylor MD, Williamson JE (2017) Diets and resource partitioning among three sympatric gurnards in northeastern Tasmanian waters, Australia. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 9: 305-319. JIF 1.86, Q3 (Fisheries), C 5.
Raoult V, Trompf L, Williamson JE, Brown C (2017) Stress profile influences learning approach in a marine fish. Peer J 5: e3445. JIF 2.18, Q1 (Multidisciplinary Sci), C 1.
Nevatte RJ, Williamson JE, Vella NGF, Raoult V, Wueringer BE (2017) Morphometry and microanatomy of the barbels of the common sawshark Pristiophorus cirratus: implictations for pristiophorid behaviour. Journal of Fish Biology 90: 1906-1925, Feb 2017. JIF 1.84, Q3 (Mar FW Biology), C 2.
Raoult V, Peddemors V, Williamson JE (2017) Biology of angel sharks (Squatina sp.) and sawsharks (Pristiophorus sp.) caught in south-eastern Australian trawl fisheries and the New South Wales shark meshing (bather protection) program. Marine and Freshwater Research JIF 2.12, Q2 (Mar FW Biology), C 5.
Clark JA, Brown C, Gillings MR, Gardner M, Williamson JE, Izzo C, Day J (2017) Characterization of 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the Port Jackson Shark, Heterodontus portusjacksoni (Meyer, 1793). Marine Biodiversity Published online 02 August 2017. JIF 1.48, Q2 (Biodiversity Conservation).
Park JM, Gaston TF, Williamson JE (2017) Resource partitioning in gurnard species using trophic analyses: the importance of temporal resolution. Fisheries Research 186: 301-310. JIF 2.26, Q1 (Fisheries), C 5.
Tosetto L, Williamson JE, Brown C (2017) Trophic transfer of microplastics does not affect fish personality. Animal Behaviour 123: 159-167. JIF 3.28, Q1 (Anim Behav), C 14.
Sun Y, Wong E, Keppel E, Williamson JE, Kupriyanova EK (2017) A global invader or a complex of regionally distributed species? Clarifying the status of an invasive calcareous tubeworm Hydroides dianthus (Verrill, 1873) (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) using DNA barcoding. Marine Biology 164: 28-40. JIF 2.53, Q1 (Mar FW Biology), C 14.
Williamson JE, Byrnes EE, Clark JA, Connolly DM, Schiller SE, Thompson JA, Tosetto L, Martinelli JC, Raoult V (2017) Ecological impacts and management implications of reef walking on a tropical reef flat community. Marine Pollution Bulletin 114: 742-750. JIF 3.51, Q1 (Environ Sci), C 4.
Tosetto L, Brown C, Williamson JE (2016) Microplastics on beaches: ingestion and behavioural consequences for beachhoppers. Marine Biology 163: 199. JIF 2.53, Q1 (Mar FW Biology), C 16.
Frommel AY, Margulies D, Wexler JB, Stein MS, Scholey VP, Williamson JE, Bromhead D, Nicol S, Havenhand JN (2016) Ocean acidification has lethal and sub-lethal effects on larval development of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 482: 18-24. JIF 2.31, Q2 (Mar FW Biology), C 21.
Sweet M, Bulling M, Williamson JE (2016) New disease outbreak affects two dominant sea urchin species associated with Australian temperate reefs. Marine Ecology Progress Series 551: 171-183. JIF 2.91, Q1 (Mar FW Biology), C 9.
Raoult V, David PA, Dupont SF, Mathewson CP, O’Neill SJ, Powell NN, Williamson JE (2016) GoProsTM as an underwater photogrammetry tool for citizen science. PeerJ e1960. JIF 2.18, Q1 (Multidisciplinary Sci), C 9.
Geraghty PT, Macbeth WG, Williamson JE (2016) Aspects of the reproductive biology of dusky, spinner and sandbar sharks (Family Carcharhinidae) from the Tasman Sea. Marine and Freshwater Research 67: 513-525. JIF 2.12, Q2 (Mar FW Biology), C 3.
Sun Y, Wong E, Tovar-Hernández MA, Williamson JE, Kupriyanova EK (2016) Is Hydroides brachyacantha (Serpulidae: Annelida) a widespread species? Invertebrate Systematics 30: 41-59. JIF 2.17, Q1 (Zoology), C 16.
Raoult V, Peddemors VM, Zahra D, Howell N, Howard, DL, De Jong MD, Williamson JE (2016) Strontium mineralization of shark vertebrae. Scientific Reports 6:29698 | DOI: 10.1038/srep29698. JIF 5.23, Q1 (Multidisciplinary Sci), C 8.
Williamson JE (2015) Sea urchin aquaculture in Australia. In Echinoderm Aquaculture. Wiley Blackwell, 225-243, 978-0-470-96038-7.
Umbers KDL, McBride C, Despres F, Williamson JE, Stow AJ (2015) Genetic structure of the mourning cuttlefish (Sepia plangon Gray, 1849) in Sydney Harbour, Australia. Journal of Molluscan Studies 1-6. JIF 1.34, Q2 (Zoology), C 24.
Sun Y, Wong E, Ten Hove HA, Hutchings PA, Williamson JE, Kupriyanova EK (2015) Revision of the genus Hydroides (Annelida: Serpulidae) from Australia. Zootaxa 4009: 1-99. JIF 0.91, Q2 (Zoology), C 14.
Raoult V, Gaston TF, Williamson JE (2015). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72: 1084-1090. JIF 2.68, Q1 (Fisheries), C 5.
Schlegel P, Binet MT, Havenhand JN, Doyle CJ, Williamson JE (2015) Ocean acidification impacts on sperm mitochondrial membrane potential bring sperm swimming behaviour near its tipping point. Journal of Experimental Biology 218: 1084-1090. JIF 3.21, Q1 (Biology), C 17.
Geraghty PT, Williamson JE, Macbeth WG, Blower DC, Morgan JAT, Johnson G, Ovenden JR, Gillings M (2014) Genetic structure and diversity of two highly vulnerable carcharhinids in Australian waters. Endangered Species Research 24: 45-60. JIF 1.81, Q2 (Biodiv Conserv), C 9.
Bell JE, Bishop MJ, Taylor RB, Williamson JE (2014) Facilitation cascade maintains a kelp community. Marine Ecology Progress Series 501: 1-10. JIF 2.91, Q1 (Mar FW Biology), C 11.
Binet MT, Doyle CJ, Williamson JE, Schlegel P (2014) Use of JC-1 to assess mitochondrial membrane potential in sea urchin sperm. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 452: 91-100. JIF 2.31, Q2 (Mar FW Biology), C 15.
Schlegel P, Havenhand JN, Obadia N, Williamson JE (2014) Sperm swimming in the polychaete Galeolaria caespitosa shows substantial inter-individual variability in response to future ocean acidification. Marine Pollution Bulletin 78: 213-217. JIF 3.51, Q1 (Environ Sci), C 17.
Geraghty PT, Williamson JE, Macbeth WG, Wintner SP, Harry AV, Ovenden JR, Gillings MR (2014) Population expansion and genetic structure in Carcharhinus brevipinna in the southern Indo-Pacific. PLoS One 8 e75169. JIF 3.54, Q1 (Multidisciplinary Sci), C 17.
Schlegel P, Havenhand JN, Gillings MR, Williamson JE (2013) Individual variability in reproductive success determines winners and losers under ocean acidification: a case study with sea urchins. PLoS One 7, e53118. JIF 3.54, Q1 (Multidisciplinary Sci), C 77.
Geraghty PT, Macbeth WG, Harry AV, Bell JE, Yerman MN, Williamson JE (2013) Age and growth parameters for three heavily exploited shark species off temperate eastern Australia. ICES Journal of Marine Science 71: 559-573. JIF 2.80, Q1 (Fisheries), C 15.
Howard WR, Nash M, Anthony K, Schmutter K, Bostock H, Bromhead D, Byrne M, Currie K, Diaz-Pulido G, Eggins S, Ellwood M, Eyre B, Maese R, Hallegraff GM, Hill K, Hurd C, Law C, Lenton A, Matear R, McNeill B, McCulloch M, Muller MN, Munday P, Opdyke B, Pandolfi JM, Richards R, Roberts D, Russell BD, Smith AM, Tilbrook B, Waite A Williamson JE (2012) Ocean Acidification. In Marine Report Card 2012. ID79147.
Brown C, Garwood MP, Williamson JE (2012) It pays to cheat: tactical deception in a cephalopod social signalling system. Biology Letters 8: 729-732. JIF 3.38, Q1 (Biology), C 50.
Williamson JE, Gleeson C, Bell JE, Vaïtilingon D (2012) The role of visual and chemical cues in host detection by the symbiotic shrimp Gnathophylloides mineri. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 414: 38-43. JIF 2.31, Q2 (Mar FW Biology), C 8.
Raoult V, Brown C, Williamson JE (2012) Superglue is not super: an assessment of superglue for suturing tag incisions in a cultured marine fish. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 43: 140-143. JIF 0.97, Q4 (Fisheries), C 5.
Raoult V, Brown C, Zuberi A, Williamson JE (2012) Blood cortisol concentrations predict boldness in juvenile mulloway (Argyosomus japonicas). Journal of Ethology 30: 1-8. JIF 1.05, Q3 (Zoology), C 31.
Williamson JE, Steinberg PD (2012) Fitness benefits of size-dependent diet switching in a marine herbivore. Marine Biology 159: 1001-1010. JIF 2.53, Q1 (Mar FW Biology), C 9.
Barnes LM, Gray CA, Williamson JE (2011) Divergence of the growth characteristics and longevity in coexisting Platycephalidae (Pisces). Marine and Freshwater Research 62: 1308-1317. JIF 2.12, Q2 (Mar FW Biology), C 12.
Barker SM, Peddemors VM, Williamson JE (2011) A video and photographic study of aggregation, swimming and respiratory behaviour changes in the grey nurse shark (Carcharias taurus) in response to the presence of SCUBA divers. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 44: 75-92. JIF 0.87, Q4 (Mar FW Biology), C 23.
Barker SM, Peddemors VM, Williamson JE (2011) Recreational SCUBA diver interaction with the critically endangered grey nurse shark Carcharias taurus. Pacific Conservation Biology 16: 75-92. JIF n/a, Q2 (Conservation Biol), C 20.
Barnes LM, Leclerc M, Gray CA, Williamson JE (2011) Dietary niche differentiation of five sympatric species of Platycephalidae. Environmental Biology of Fishes 90: 261-269. JIF 1.58, Q3 (Ecology), C 21.
Barker SM, Williamson JE (2010) Collaborative photo identification and monitoring of grey nurse sharks (Carcharias taurus) at key aggregation sites along the east coast of Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research 61: 971-979. JIF 2.12, Q2 (Mar FW Biology), C 32.
Banks SC, Ling SD, Johnson CR, Piggott MP, Williamson JE, Beheregaray LB (2010) Genetic structure of a recent climate change-driven range extension. Molecular Ecology 19: 2011-2024. JIF 6.23, Q1 (Biochem Molecular Biol), C 70.
Howard WR, Havenhand J, Parker L, Raftos D, Ross P, Williamson JE, Matear R (2009) Chapter 8: Ocean Acidification. In Report card of marine climate change for Australia: detailed scientific assessment. NCCARF Publication 05/09, ISBN 978-1-921609-03-9.
Havenhand JN, Buttler F-R, Thorndyke MC, Williamson JE (2008) Near future levels of ocean acidification reduce fertilization success in a sea urchin. Current Biology 18: R651-R652. JIF 9.73, Q1 (Biochem Molecular Biol), C 260.
Byrne M, Prowse TAA, Sewell MA, Dworjanyn S, Williamson JE, Vaïtilingon D (2008) Maternal provisioning for larvae and larval provisioning for juveniles in the toxopneustid sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla. Marine Biology 155: 473-482. JIF 2.53, Q1 (Mar FW Biology), C 37.
Cummings DO, Williamson JE (2008) The role of herbivory and fouling on the invasive green alga Caulerpa filiformis in temperate Australian waters. Marine and Freshwater Research 59: 1-12. JIF 2.12, Q2 (Mar FW Biology), C 10.
Banks SC, Piggott MP, Williamson JE, Bové U, Holbrook NJ, Beheregaray LB (2006) Oceanic variability and coastal topography shape local genetic structure in a long-dispersing marine invertebrate. Ecology 88: 3055-3064. JIF 5.98, Q1 (Ecology), C 146.
Banks SC, Piggott MP, Williamson JE, Beheregaray LB (2006) Microsatellite DNA markers for analysis of dispersal and population structure in the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii. Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 321-323. JIF 2.55, Q2 (Ecology), C 8.
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Huggett MJ, Williamson JE, de Nys R, Kjelleberg S, Steinberg PD (2006) Larval settlement of the common Australian sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma in response to bacteria from the surface of coralline algae. Oecologia 149: 604-619. JIF 3.36, Q2 (Ecology), C 170.
Middlebrook R, Williamson JE (2006) Social attitudes towards marine resource management in two Fijian villages. Ecological Management and Restoration 7: 144-147. JIF n/a, Q n/a, C 14.
Huggett MJ, de Nys R, Williamson JE, Heasman M, Steinberg PD (2005) Settlement of larval blacklip abalone, Haliotis rubra, in response to green and red macroalgae. Marine Biology 147: 1155-1163. JIF 2.53, Q1 (Mar FW Biology), C 34.
Huggett MJ, King CK, Williamson JE, Steinberg PD (2005) Larval development and metamorphosis of the Australian diadematid sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 47: 197-204. JIF 0.52, Q4 (Zoology), C 23.
Wright JT, Dworjanyn SA, Rogers CN, Steinberg PD, Williamson JE, Poore AGP (2005) Density-dependent sea urchin grazing: selective removal of species, changes in community composition and alternative community states. Marine Ecology Progress Series 298: 143-156. JIF 2.91, Q1 (Mar FW Biology), C 77.
Williamson JE, Carson DG, de Nys R, Steinberg PD (2004) Demographic consequences of an ontogenetic shift by a sea urchin in response to host plant chemistry. Ecology 85: 1355-1371. JIF 5.98, Q1 (Ecology), C 54.
Swanson RL, Williamson JE, de Nys R, Kumar N, Bucknall MP, Steinberg PD (2004) Induction of settlement of larvae of the sea urchin Holopneustes purpurascens by histamine from a host alga. Biological Bulletin 206: 161-172. JIF 1.79, Q2 (Biology), C 84.
Williamson JE, Steinberg PD (2002) Reproductive cycle of the sea urchin Holopneustes purpurascens (Temnopleuridae: Echinodermata). Marine Biology 140: 519-532. JIF 2.53, Q1 (Mar FW Biology), C 31.
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Rogers CN, Williamson JE, Carson DG, Steinberg PD (1998) Diel vertical movement by mesograzers on seaweeds. Marine Ecology Progress Series 166: 301-306. JIF 2.91, Q1 (Mar FW Biology), C 21.
Williamson JE, Creese RG (1996) Colonisation and persistence of the crustose brown algal Pseudolithoderma sp. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 203: 191-208. JIF 2.31, Q2 (Mar FW Biology), C 10.
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Williamson JE, Rees TAV (1994) Nutritional interaction in an alga-barnacle association. Oecologia 99: 16-20. JIF 3.36, Q2 (Ecology), C 32.