Daniel Johnson


Daniel completed a Bachelor of Science in biology at Macquarie University in 2017. During his studies Daniel undertook several volunteer internships assisting shark behaviour research and benthic ecology studies to get experience in a range of both field and laboratory techniques. After his degree Daniel moved to Queensland and developed his science communication skills through work as a reef guide/interpreter on tourism vessels operating within the Great Barrier Reef. In this position, Daniel was also able to hone practical fieldwork and marine operation skills through involvement in several coral reef projects, including crown of thorns starfish management, reef health surveys and coral restoration. 

Now returning to Macquarie University and joining the Marine Ecology Group, Daniel is currently pursuing a master’s degree in research on the trophic ecology of Largehead Hairtail, (Trichiurus lepturus). This research aims to better understand what these fish feed on in Australian waters, whether the species annual spawning run influences a change in diet, or if there is an ontogenetic shift in diet within the species.

Twitter: @DJfishfordays